Privacy policy and processing of personal data

1. Personal data collected by Hoa & Moa art toys via the Online Store is processed in accordance with the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016. On the protection of natural persons and their personal data and on the free movement of such data and the repeal of Directive 95/46 / EC (hereinafter referred to as “the RODO”).

2. Customer’s personal data will be processed by the owner of the Online Store “Hoa & Moa art toys” – Małgorzata Szwałek, hereinafter referred to as the Administrator, which can be contacted by e-mail by sending a message to the following address: or at telephone number 601 78 45 17. You can also use traditional mail: ul. T. Zawadzki “Zośki” 40A / 29, 65-528 Zielona Góra. Poland.

3. Customer’s personal data will be processed:
A. in order to provide services electronically and to conclude sales contracts – the legal basis for the processing of personal data is Article 6 para. 1 letter b, RODO,
B. in order to send Hoa & Moa art toys, Małgorzata Szwałek to the Customer, the marketing content (newsletters) in the manner for which the Client agreed – the legal basis for the processing of personal data is the legitimate interest of the company – Article 6 para. 1 letter f, RODO; the legitimate interest of the company consists in sending marketing content to the customer during the period of rendering services for him via electronic mail and additionally in a manner for which the customer consented,
C. for the purpose of fulfilling legal obligations incumbent upon the company on the basis of generally applicable laws, including tax and accounting regulations – the legal basis for the processing of personal data is art. 6 sec.1 lit c, RODO,
D. for analytical and statistical purposes – the legal basis for the processing of personal data is the legitimate interest of the company – art. 6 sec. 1 letter f, RODO; it is legitimate interest of the company to analyze the results of its business operations,
E. in order to implement a legitimate interest consisting in the possible determination or pursuing of claims or defense against claims – the legal basis for the processing of personal data is the legitimate interest of the company – art. 6 sec.1 liters f, RODO,

4. Recipients of personal data may be:
A. IT systems and IT service providers,
B. entities rendering accounting services for the company, quality of service, debt recovery, legal, analytical and marketing services,
C. carriers, forwarders, courier brokers,
D. entities handling electronic payments or by credit card, lenders
E. authorities entitled to receive personal data on the basis of legal provisions.

5. The Seller provides appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of personal data provided by users, in particular preventing third parties from accessing them or processing them in violation of the law, preventing data loss, damage or destruction.

6. The Customer’s personal data will be processed and stored:
A. in the case of personal data processed for the purpose of conclusion and performance of sales contracts – for the time necessary to perform all obligations arising from sales contracts,
B. in the case of personal data processed in order to provide services to the customer electronically – for the time of providing electronic services to him,
C. in the case of personal data processed in order to direct the marketing content to the Customer through the Online Shop – until the Customer raises an objection to the processing of personal data in this respect. After this period, personal data will be processed only to the extent and for the time required by law, including accounting regulations.

Personal data will be kept for the duration of the contract,

In addition, after the contract is terminated, the data will be stored due to the obligations arising from accounting and tax regulations, their duration and for reasons of legal security, until the time limit for any claims. To the extent that the basis for data processing, this consent will be processed until it is withdrawn.

7. Personal data will be subject to licensing:
A. The Administrator may use the Online Shop to advertise for the purpose of direct marketing, but the decisions made on its basis by the Administrator do not concern the conclusion or refusal to conclude a Sales Agreement, or the possibility of using Electronic Services in the Online Store. The effect of using the online store may be, for example, granting the customer a rebate, sending a rebate code, reminding about unfinished purchases, sending a product proposal that may correspond to the customer’s interests or preferences, or offering better terms compared to the standard offer of the Online Store. Regardless of the promotion – the customer independently makes a decision whether he will want to use the rebate received in this way, or better conditions and make a purchase in the Online Store,
B. The data subject has the right not to be subject to a decision which is based solely on automated processing, including procurement, and which has legal effects or has a material effect on him.

8. Each of the granted consents can be withdrawn at any time. Withdrawal The Seller provides appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of personal data provided by users, in particular, preventing third parties from accessing or processing them in violation of the law, preventing data loss, damaging them or destroy. Withdrawal of consent does not affect the legality of the processing carried out prior to its withdrawal. (Article 7 paragraph 3, RODO). For evidence purposes, the Administrator requests withdrawal of consent in writing to the following address: ul. T. Zawadzkiego “Zośki” 40A / 29, 65-528 Zielona Góra, Poland, or in electronic form – message sent to the following address:

9.The customer has the right to:
a) access to your personal data (Article 15 of the RW0),
b) correcting your personal data (Article 16 of the ECR),
c) delete your personal data (Article 17 of the RODO),
d) limitations on the processing of your personal data (Article 18 of the RODO)
e) submitting a complaint to the supervisory body regarding the protection of personal data (art.77 RODO).
f) to transfer their personal data, including the right to receive data and send it to another administrator or request, if technically possible, to forward this data directly to another administrator (Article 20 of the RODO)

10. Providing personal data is voluntary, subject to two exceptions:
A. Conclusion of agreements with the Administrator – failure to provide the personal data necessary to conclude and perform the Sales Agreement with the Administrator in cases and in the scope indicated on the Online Store website and in the Online Store Regulations shall result in the lack of the possibility of concluding this contract. Providing personal data in such a case is a contractual requirement and if the person whose personal data is about to enter into a given agreement with the Administrator, he is obliged to provide the required data. Each time, the scope of data required to conclude a contract is indicated previously on the Online Store website and in the Online Store Regulations.
B. Statutory obligations of the Administrator – providing personal data is a statutory requirement resulting from generally applicable law, imposing an obligation on the Administrator to process personal data (eg data processing for the purpose of keeping tax or accounting books) and failure to provide them will prevent the Administrator from performing these duties.

11. In order for the website to function properly, the Seller uses the “cookies” file technology. Cookies are information packages through which the customer uses websites and which are stored on the Customer’s device, usually including the website address, date of placement, expiration date, unique number and additional information consistent with the intended use of the file. “Cookies” may come from the Store administrator or may be external “cookies”, ie placed by the administrator’s partners via the Store’s website

12. The Customer may disable or restrict saving of “Cookies” on his device, according to the instructions of the manufacturer of the web browser, but it may result in the unavailability of some or all of the functions of the Online Store. Failure to change browser settings to settings that disable saving files
“Cookies” is synonymous with consenting to saving them.

13. Based on cookies, it is not possible to determine the identity of the customer.

14. The Online Store uses “Cookies” files to:
A. maintaining user’s session (own files),
B. adaptation of the content of the pages to the user’s preferences (own files),
C. ensuring data security (own files),
D. creating statistics (anonymous) to optimize usability
service (external files),
E. linking the website functions to other external services used by the user (external files),
F. displaying advertising information in accordance with the user’s preferences and limiting the number of ad impressions (external files).

15. Every Customer may delete “Cookies” files stored on his device at any time, in accordance with the instructions of the manufacturer of the web browser.

16. Privacy Policy may change, about which the Customer will be informed 7 (seven) calendar days before its introduction.

17. Date of publication of the Privacy Policy: 03.11.2019

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